Big Beauty

In Big Sky

January in the mountains doesn’t usually allow for an evening of dining under the stars. But our Creative Team didn’t let that stop them from producing this spectacular event! Blue spruce trees and a starry night ceiling projection made the 56 foot-long table feel like it was in the middle of a majestic, Montana forest. The celestial/astrological theme was incorporated through out cocktail hour with Animal Totem Readings where guests could discover their Spirit Animal match. Personalization was taken to the next level with the dining place settings. Prior to the event, guests were asked for their birthdate so their place cards could be custom-made with their astrological sign!

Event Type



Big Sky, Montana

# of Guests


“We wanted our guests to feel they were experiencing the magic of Big Sky, while being in a ballroom. We created a dreamy setting for a sensational evening under the Montana stars.”

“We wanted our guests to feel they were experiencing the magic of Big Sky, while being in a ballroom. We created a dreamy setting for a sensational evening under the Montana stars.”

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